***** 1st Baptism -- Lucas (age 11) *****
Oi! I have been transferred. I worked in Bayeux and now they split Bayeux in half and put two new companionships. Now in Bayeux CTR and they just split it in half. Our house here is super brand new! Its sooooo nice! I cant wait to organize my stuff after this email time. :)
But hey how can I describe this past week....AMAZING!!!! I HAVE MY FIRST BAPTISM! IT CAME! MIRACLE! Long story short... we visited a member in a new area we wanted to work on more and we talked to this older lady whose the parent of the member and a member. Well we learned that she has a grandson who attends all the time but never was baptized. His mom is less active but then that next moment he came over and said hi to us. Next thing he said was, I want to be baptized! Thats a missionaries dream!!!! After the Mom agreed, we taught all the lessons in two days and he was baptized. Its was amazing and I got to do the ordinance! What a miracle and an answer to my prayers. Im so grateful for the Lord for that.
I also was asked to give a talk in sacrament meeting and sure enough I gave my first talk in another language. I thought it turned out okay. It was on love and missionary work and I didnt recognize that was my last week in the ward. Its been super crazy last couple of days...I can hardly think of what I can put its gone so crazy. I hardly slept last night.
But in regards to investigators this week...WERE IN A NEW AREA! :) And I will say this area is super ghetto at nights. Ive been here on exchanges...its pretty sweet. Im excited because Im settled in Brasil and the Portuguese is starting to settle in little by little. Practice as much as I can. Its definently been something Ive had to rely on from the Lord but with Him all things are possible.
So I didnt have anything else besides a baptism and a talk but Im super excited to tell about my new experiences in a new area next Monday!
Thank you for the prayers! :)
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